Friday, June 27, 2008

More of Berlin

The wall ran in a zigzag through Berlin, and there's a brick path you can see in some places to show where it stood. We think we ate our last dinner directly on top of where it once stood. Here's a display of parts of the wall near our hotel, in Potsdamer Platz. It's hard to even imagine where it stood now - with all the city bustling about.

More somber is the Holocaust memorial, on five acres surrounded by buildings, one with a fancy rooftop cafe - typical of Berlin's contrasts. As you walk through the blocks they overtake you in size - it's intense, thought-provoking, but beautiful too.

It was a wonderful trip, highlighted by seeing the bust of Nefertiti the day before we left - this doesn't really do her justice as she's behind glass. There's a whole island of major art museums so you can see quite a bit in one day. Again, I tagged along on one of Gerald's conference trips, so we're keeping to our goal of seeing Europe while we're here. Berlin was a very pleasant surprise.

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